Book Your visit today

Start on your path to ultimate wellness.

It is SO important to take good care of your physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. I am here to help you with virtual and in-person offerings to aid in stress relief, body tension, better posture, and easy to implement lifestyle tips to move you through life. I am here to help you feel calm, peaceful and relaxed in your body.

Book a chiropractic, ayurveda or yoga appointment to help you with mind and body healing.

I can also guide you to find your life purpose, especially now that a lot of things are shifting in the world. You may be wondering what is next for you. Scientific Hand Analysis is an insightful way to discover your life purpose and your unique gifts that lay in the palms of your hands. This tool is a game changer as well as a blueprint that can lead you on the way to be in full mastery of your life! 

I look forward to working with you.

Dr. Anita Rajan, DC


Please choose your best location:

Current Fee Schedule

*please note that new prices may take effect yearly

15 Minute Complimentary Consultation- FREE

In-office Initial Chiropractic Visit (consultation, exam, assessment) + Adjustment: $185

In-office Follow-up Chiropractic Visit (30 min): $110

Virtual Follow-Up Chiropractic Visit (30 min): $100

In-office Follow-up Chiropractic Visit (45 min): $165

Chiropractic Re-exam: $125

Initial Ayurvedic Consultation (virtual/in-office): $175+ HST

Ayurvedic Follow-up session: $125 + HST

Scientific Hand Analysis: Initial Session Handprints & Life Purpose Discovery (includes two 45 min sessions virtual/in-office): $325 + HST

Follow-Up Scientific Hand Analysis session: $150 + HST

Scientific Hand Analysis life coaching 5 Focus session package: $550 + HST

Private Yoga Session: $110 + HST

Creating your blissful healing and wellness.